Peter Bendall
Peter Bendall is a photographer who works with a
range of different subjects from musical instruments, graffiti, animals and
reflections. His reflections images are
taken at various different locations, mainly famous landmarks, such as the
Eiffel tower as seen in the picture below, or prominent and ostentatious
buildings such as the churches depicted on the right. The main theme of his work
with reflections is looking at the reflection of subjects in water, most
commonly puddles, and the pictures are usually taken in brightly lit areas
presumably after it has rained. Bendall’s other work is taken in reflections of
cars, which somewhat distort the image but show clearly the reflected subject
on the surface. Some of his other reflections work focuses on viewing a
specific subject at an angle in water that features many ripples and
disruptions, which warps the image and gives it a choppy, surrealist look.
Maurizio Biancarelli
Maurizio Biancarelli is a
full time nature photographer and writer for many years. He has contributed to
several Italian and international nature photography magazines including
National Geographic Italia, BBC Wildlife, Terre Sauvage, Bell’Italia, Touring,
Naturfoto, Bell’Europa. His work has been exhibited in many venues in Europe,
and has received photography awards in international competitions. Included in
Mr. Biancarelli’s accomplishments are Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year
and GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The bulk of his work
relates to the natural environment of Italy, but he also travels frequently to
a variety of northern European countries and to the Arctic.
David Clapp
David Clapp non-award winning landscape, travel and
architectural photographer. He works full time as a photographic Writer and
Lecturer. Clapp is most well-known for writing extensively in the UK
photography press. He travels
extensively in order to obtain a wide range of subjects, and has visited and
photographed in over 34 countries and is currently based in South Devon,
England. David Clapp has been semi/full time professional for nearly five years
simply by successfully separating business from art. He works closely with
reflections of natural structures such as the rock formations depicted on the
right and also photographs manmade structure in the reflections of water, such
as the series of houses in the large panorama. Clapp’s natural photography will
be difficult to replicate as his pictures are taken from all over the world,
however I am going to focus on the angles of his reflections, which are always
facing straight forwards on the subject, and his editing techniques, with some
of his photographs being edited in black and white.
Agustin Rafael Reyes
Augustin Rafael Reyes refers to himself as just ‘a code
monkey with a camera’, but he is in fact a software engineer and talented male
photographer from Manila, Philippines, who is currently based in Yokohama,
Japan. His work is mostly capturing the beauty of Japan through the eyes of a
foreigner. Reyes works mostly with landscapes, and in the pictures below is
reflections are mostly of manmade architectural structures such as bridges and
old Japanese houses that look particularly stunning and majestic when captured
in a source of water. All of Reyes reflections are taken in large bodies of
water that is very calm with very little ripples disrupting the image
reflected. I prefer his natural
reflections, particularly of the trees in autumn below, I feel that I could
replicate or attempt to copy the natural images, however his architectural
reflections will be much harder to replicate as they are taken in remote
locations over Asia.